Introduction to Scala
Two Day Course
Scala Overview
Introducing Scala
Scala’s Role in Distributed
Data Processing
The Motivation for Scala
Scala Basics
Key Scala Concepts
Programming in Scala
Putting Scala Basics to Work
Working with Data Types
Overview of Scala Variables
Operating with Numeric Types
Building Boolean Expressions
Working with Strings
Grouping Data Together
Storing Elements of Different Types
Overview of Scala Collection Types
Creating a Collection of Unique Elements
Fast Access to Head of Collection
Fast Access to Arbitrary Elements
Fast Access with a Key
Common Collection Type Conversions

Flow Control in Scala
Using Iterators
Writing Functions
Passing Functions as Arguments
Collection Iteration Methods
Pattern Matching
Processing Data with Partial Functions
Using and Creating Libraries
Using Classes and Objects
Creating and Using Packages
Importing Part of a Package
Spark and Scala
Four Days
Module 1
Introduction to Scala
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will understand basic concepts of Scala,
motives towards learning a new language and get your set-up ready.
Why Scala?
What is Scala?
Introducing Scala
Installing Scala
Journey – Java to Scala
First Dive – Interactive Scala
Writing Scala Scripts – Compiling Scala Programs
Scala Basics
Scala Basic Types
Defining Functions
IDE for Scala, Scala Community
Module 2
Scala Essentials
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn essentials of Scala that are
needed to work on it.
Immutability in Scala – Semicolons
Method Declaration, Literals
Reserved Words
Precedence Rules
If statements
Scala For Comprehensions
While Loops
Do-While Loops
Conditional Operators
Pattern Matching
Module 3
Traits and OOPs in Scala
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will understand implementation of OOPs
concepts in Scala and use Traits as Mixins
Traits Intro – Traits as Mixins
Stackable Traits
Creating Traits Basic OOPS – Class and Object Basics
Scala Constructors
Nested Classes
Visibility Rules
Module 4
Functional Programming in Scala
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will understand functional programming
know how for Scala.
What is Functional Programming?
Functional Literals and Closures
Tail Calls
Functional Data Structures
Implicit Function Parameters
Call by Name
Call by Value

Module 5
Introduction to Big Data and Spark
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will understand what is Big Data, it’s
associated challenges, various frameworks available and will get the first hand introduction
to Spark
Introduction to Big Data
Challenges with Big Data
Batch Vs. Real Time Big Data Analytics
Batch Analytics – Hadoop Ecosystem Overview
Real Time Analytics Options, Streaming Data – Storm
In Memory Data – Spark
What is Spark?
Modes of Spark
Spark Installation Demo
Overview of Spark on a cluster
Spark Standalone Cluster
Module 6
Spark Baby Steps
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn how to invoke Spark shell and
use it for various common operations.
Invoking Spark Shell
Loading a File in Shell
Performing Some Basic Operations on Files in Spark Shell
Building a Spark Project with sbt, Building and Running Spark Project with sbt
Caching Overview, Distributed Persistence
Spark Streaming Overview
Example: Streaming Word Count
Module 7
Playing with RDDs
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn one of the building blocks of
Spark – RDDs and related manipulations for implementing business logics.
Transformations in RDD
Actions in RDD
Loading Data in RDD
Saving Data through RDD
Scala and Hadoop Integration Hands on
Module 8
Shark – When Spark meets Hive ( Spark SQL)
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will see various offspring’s of Spark like
Shark, SparkSQL and Mlib. This session is primarily interactive for discussing industrial use
cases of Spark and latest developments happening in this area.
Why Shark?
Installing Shark
Running Shark
Loading of Data
Hive Queries through Spark
Testing Tips in Scala
Performance Tuning Tips in Spark
Shared Variables: Broadcast Variables
Shared Variables: Accumulators
Module 9
Spark Streaming
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn about the major APIs that Spark
offers. You will get an opportunity to work on Spark streaming which makes it easy to build
scalable fault-tolerant streaming applications.
Spark Streaming Architecture
First Spark Streaming Program
Transformations in Spark Streaming
Fault tolerance in Spark Streaming
Check pointing
Parallelism level
Module 10
Spark Mlib
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn about the machine learning
concepts in Spark
Classification Algorithm
Clustering Algorithm
Sequence Mining Algorithm
Collbrative filtering
Module 11
Spark GraphX
Learning Objectives – In this module, you will learn about Graph Analysis concepts in
Graph analysis with Spark
GraphX for graphs
Graph-parallel computation
Module 12
Project and Installation
Installation of Spark and Scala
Discussion of real time use cases using Spark
Mini project implementation in Spark